Story | 01/29/2021 10:47:36 | 2 min Read time

UPM Graduates Life: Sales with a wide perspective

In September 2019 I started as a Sales Graduate at UPM after completing my master’s degree in business administration. Just like probably every student, I was wondering what the ideal start of my professional career should look like. Now, more than 16 months later, I’m realizing once again what a great opportunity and very special way of switching from university to corporate life UPM is offering to its graduates.

Getting the big picture

The ultimate goal of my personal graduate program was to be successfully integrated in the sales team. But instead of focusing only on my final position and tasks from the start, the programme helped me to see and understand the company’s business from a holistic point of view. This was ensured by a carefully structured programme plan that guided me around all the departments which are closely related to sales, mainly the customer service and supply organization. Starting from the first day, I felt very welcome by the new colleagues that supported me on my way through the programme. Meeting all the people in person was probably the biggest benefit. I could easily build my own network within the company and if I have some questions still today, I know exactly the people to ask for help.

Due to Covid-19 my graduate program needed to be adjusted so I unfortunately missed the planned period in Helsinki. Nevertheless, I was integrated into several projects earlier than expected. The project scopes varied from strategic topics such as market analysis to more customer focused projects where I experienced my first regular interactions with customers. Currently I’m supporting the sales managers in their daily work and I’m taking more and more responsibilities. Working for such a big international company like UPM can be sometimes really challenging but, at the same time, even more motivating: learning basically never stops. I’m looking forward to the next challenges and milestones that are waiting for me!


Learn more and apply by end of February 2021


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